Bushcraft for Adults

discover bushcraft

Discover Bushcraft can deliver everything you see on this website can be for adults too. In fact – when we give ourselves permission grown ups can have so much fun!

We can do parties and events for you too. If you fancy hanging out in the woods (or your garden) with friends and have an instructor come along with all of the gear to provide you with a fab few hours then we can do that.

We can also set it up so you have your fire and things to do after we have left.

(Remember we can’t have alcohol whilst using fire kits and bushcraft knives!)

On a more serious note, Helen from Discover Bushcraft when wearing her grown up hat runs Green Fern Training.  Working with staff, volunteer and service user group she delivers a wide range of training.  This means she can out together a great team development / away day!  Another great day for teams is the stress busting days using nature and the outdoors to manage stress. Check out the Green Fern website  for more information.

Discover bushcraft runs various courses for adults.

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